Sunday, May 5, 2013

Issue 30: Lauae (Abridged)

He aikane, he punana na ke onaona.

A friend, a nest of fragrance.

Sweet indeed is a good friend.

Organism of the Week: Lauae; Phymatosorus scolopendria
I know it's extremely late!  I'll try to double up a post this week and be more organized, but hey it's finals!
Anyways.  Lauae is one of the most identifiable plants in Hawaii!  This beautiful ground fern is used often in landscaping efforts all over Hawaii from schools to resorts!  It also has a sweet scent that our ancestors used to scent their kapa, and it was twisted into lei sometimes for the sweet scent. 
The plant grows best in moist rainforests, but can also be found along the beach.  And as decorative landscaping on most commercial building here in Hawaii. 
And now I have to go back to studying.  Please enjoy some art inspired by the beautiful plant below! 

By Sabrina Robello

Sourced: Here.

Someone carved an ipu into this pattern! 
Not me, not my quilt, but note the pretty lauae border!  What
beautiful work!

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